Available courses

Corso sulle Opportunità Lavorative Offerte dal Sistema ONU

Il corso è progettato per fornire a giovani laureati e laureandi di lingua italiana le fondamenta cognitive sulle tipologie contrattuali e opportunità lavorative offerte dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) necessarie ad incrementare le possibilità di assunzione presso un organismo facente parte del cosiddetto “Sistema Comune” ONU, sia attraverso contratti a breve termine altamente retribuiti, che attraverso nomine a lungo termine.

Preparing for Competency-Based Interviews

In this course, you will be walked through the ins and outs of Competency-Based Interviews (CBIs), these being one of the many steps Organizations belonging to the United Nations Common Systems take to ensure a fair, consistent and transparent process to all applicants. As a course taker, you will learn why CBIs are used and how to maximize your ability to showcase your past experiences and knowledge, in order to stand as a great fit for a position. The course includes real-life scenarios and questions, as well as possible answers to some of the hardest questions in the interviewing game.